People don’t have to be told that change is in the air. Although it is always part of one’s life, I believe we can all agree that it currently has ramped up or become a bit extreme. Yes, there are the challenges to our health and finances with this virus,…and add to that the threat of hurricanes, an impending important election, and other personal circumstances you each may be facing.
In the teachings I was exposed to in India and other places through the years, an inner or outer challenge is often referred to as the “what is”. It is like saying; “The fact is……” And the clear advice given is not to resist, ignore, or deny “what is”. Whatever has come as a challenge internally (emotionally) or externally, we are to face it, accept it as a fact, and then seek guidance and inspiration in dealing with it. For “the fact is….” facts change. They come and go. Spiritual Truth is permanent, unchanging, and will set you free.
Charles Darwin spoke eloquently to this when stating; “It’s not the strongest who survive, or the most intelligent. It’s the one most responsive to change.” How we respond is crucial to the management of our creative life energies and the reality we are seeking to create.
The conditions we are being faced with are not pleasant or easy, but it’s the “what is”. May you be guided in your responsiveness to the many changes that are before us. May you do this by continuing to affirm that the Presence and Power of God is at work in your life, by affirming Spiritual Truth, by seeking guidance and inspiration, and by being vigilant in knowing that the Spirit of God within you is greater than any circumstances you can face.