Beyond thought of past and future is the present moment where life is to be fully experienced. One is not really living life if they are not experiencing the present, the now, rather than lost in the mind’s chatter of thoughts from the past and concern for the future. The mind’s constant chatter and commentary have a way of interfering with an experience of the moment where life is lived. Life is to be experienced in the senses, for you can’t feel or experience anything with your mind alone.
During the course of my life:
I’ve seen and felt the rain, the warmth of the sun, the wind in my face.
I’ve smelled the fragrance of flowers, coffee brewing, and bacon cooking.
I’ve heard a babies cry, sounds of laughter, the thunder of lightning, and a chorus of frogs croaking on a spring night.
I’ve cried tears of both sadness and joy, felt the embrace of a loved one, lips on mine, the soft fur on a puppy dog’s head.
I’ve heard birds sing and kittens purr, geese honk, and an orchestra in symphony.
I’ve viewed starry nights, full moons, double rainbows, a cloudless sunrise and sunsets that tell you God is here.
I’ve relished the grandeur of majestic mountains, walked through wooded trails, mindful of my feet kissing the earth with each step.
I’ve swam in oceans, lakes, rivers and backyard pools having been refreshed and encased by wetness in them all.
I’ve known the sacredness of silence, the pure power of Divine Presence, the onrush of energy from an idea that captures my heart.
All this and so much more is the experience of life. It’s All God…All One…Creator and All Its Creation…everyone, everything, everywhere is of One Life Intelligence. You and me! Nature and nations! Flora and Fauna! You and the Universe! Form and formless! Seen and unseen, this realm and all realms…ITS ALL ONE…WE ARE ONE WITH IT ALL! One + One Is One! It’s a Universal Spiritual Principle for Always!
“Life Is Meant To Be Good!”