There are a number of terms used to describe God including: Love, Intelligence, Goodness, Energy, and Presence to name a few. Let’s reflect on God as Presence just a bit. Do you believe God to be a Presence? Does that mean He can be present sometimes and apart from you other times? Can God as a Presence be either near or far? Is a person required to call upon God through prayer to come be present in order for God to function as Presence? Does God fluctuate in the strength of His Presence?
The answer is that God is constant, consistent, and unchanging as Presence. God does not fluctuate, but we do… within the framework of our spiritual consciousness. God, as Presence, is always there, beyond time and space, unwavering in Its strength and magnitude, whether we are aware of It or not, or tuned in to It or not. There are levels of intensity that one can experience of the Presence, but that is determined by us, not God. God, as Presence, functions at one level, the Allness of Goodness, infinitely.
Albert Einstein had an affirmation he used regularly for himself. It was the statement; “Called or not called, God is present.” This is a great affirmation to build the inner knowing that whatever is happening in life, one can never leave the Presence of God. Only in one’s mind is it possible to leave the Presence of God…and even then, it is only an illusion.
The truth is, there is One Presence and One Power of love and goodness that is within you and with you at all times regardless of what is happening inside or outside of you. This means that any sense of separation from God as Presence, can be corrected only by us, with the intention to restore our minds back to spiritual integrity. Certainly, in these times, and any times, this is part of our spiritual curriculum. And we are in our school here on earth every day to learn this. May we all grow in the awareness that we are always surrounded and enfolded by an Infinite Presence called Love.
“Life Is Meant To Be Good”
And I send to you Love and Blessings!