What life invites us to learn and live

Having officiated two memorial services this past weekend for two beautiful souls who transitioned, I was reminded of a favorite Emerson quote that was in the program of the service that we celebrated the life of Jim Bueker, a dear friend.

The quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson states:

“To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give of one’s self; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived—this is to have succeeded.”

It is a powerful message that reminds us of those things life invites us to learn and live so as to gain a sense of inner satisfaction and fulfillment. I encourage you, as well as myself, to remember to:

  • Laugh often
  • Love Much
  • Be Respectful
  • Show Affection
  • Forgive self and others
  • Appreciate Beauty
  • Be Giving and Generous
  • Make a difference in the World


Permit me to share that much or most of this will be addressed directly and indirectly as part of my upcoming 3-day Meditation Retreat, April 12-14th. There are only two rooms available before being full.

The UPDATE ON EGYPT! Anyone considering the fabulous Egypt Pilgrimagein February 2020, interest has already been strong with 34 people registered!! We still have room, however, if you or anyone you know might be interested, be sure to get registered with a deposit. You might consider prayerfully loving yourself into going on this wonderful trip.

If you would like to join my email community, I invite you to enter your information below. It is always nice to be able to connect with you and share a message that is intended to bless, as well as let you know what I might be doing of interest to you. I send you God-Rays of love, peace and joy!

I hope you are intentionally living life fully for, as I like to say, “Life is Meant To Be Good!”


The world is hungry for oneness. One + One delivers a throught-provoking message that celebrates our differences amidst the recognition that we are all somehow connected through Spirit.

Deepak Chopra M.D. , Author - You are the Universe

Deepak Chopra M.D. ,
Howard Caesar takes us to the heart of every individuals’ spiritual journey. “In One + One Is One, Howard Caesar takes us to the heart of every individuals’ spiritual journey. Rich with stories and examples, he reminds us that oneness is our true heritage and calling.”

Rev. Iyanla Vanzant, Host: Iyanla, Fix My Life

Rev. Iyanla Vanzant,
One + One Is One focuses on the most fundamental fact of our existence:  that we are one. Within that truth lies every answer to every problem, and Caesar beautifully articulates how to apply it in our lives.

Marianne Williamson,

Marianne Williamson,
In One + One Is One, Howard Caesar generously shares skillful transformative practices, fruits of his many years as a spiritual teacher. I encourage you to read these pages slowly and mindfully, to take their practices to heart, letting them guide and bless your own unique path to oneness.

 Michael Bernard Beckwith, Founder, Agape International Spiritual Center and author of Spiritual Liberation and Life Visioning

 Michael Bernard Beckwith,
I have known the author for over 35 years. This book has the power to transform your life in amazing ways and ultimately transform our world. This is a must read for anyone who cares about Life in the 21st century. 

Mary Morrissey, International Speaker, Best-Selling Author, CEO Consultant, Visionary, Empowerment Specialist

Mary Morrissey,
If you are seeking genuine spiritual growth, you must read One + One Is One. If you are seeking to champion an emerging world, instead of merely fighting the current one, you must read One + One Is One. Howard Caesar is a spiritual giant, and his powerful and timely book offers us an essential blueprint for transforming our lives and blessing our world.

Dr. Roger Teel, Author and Spiritual Leader

Dr. Roger Teel,
A must read book. One + One Is One has the potential to shift our collective consciousness for the better and create a more spiritually-connected world.

James Van Praagh, Spiritual Teacher and Medium

James Van Praagh,
This vibrant, potent book of hard won experience and wonderfully evocative wisdom. This book is testament to the revelation that we are God Stuff incarnate in biodegradable space-time suits. What Howard Caesar has given us is the key to unlock the truth of our nature–that we are inseparable from the One. What is thrilling in this work is the ways in which we are led to discover the implications of this Oneness for our everyday lives. Herein we move from lostness to gathering foundness, from despair to higher destiny. And, perhaps, best of all, that our journey in this life is ultimately about exploration into God.  

Jean Houston, Ph.D. , Author, The Wizard of Us

Jean Houston, Ph.D. ,

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Life is ment to be good